Expert in my field who I admire


Tomás Moulian is a Chilean sociologist and political scientist. He is originally from Santiago, Chile. He has done a lot of interesting research and work on historical interpretation and criticism of the post-dictatorship economic structure of Chile.  He has written a lot during his life and on various topics. His most famous books are: "Chile actual: anatomía de un mito", "En la brecha. Derechos humanos, críticas y alternativas".

 I found the topic about the Chilean democracy after the dictatorship interesting precisely because I live in it. I discovered this author when I saw him in an interview that another sociologist, who interests me, had done. In the interview they talked about their essay "Chile actual: anatomía de un mito", where he made an interesting analysis of current Chilean society, and calling the current democracy as a transformism of the dictatorship. What I like the most about Moulian is that he is a very critical person of Chilean reality and has a very acid attitude to say things.


  1. I didn't knew him, I will search his work, it's look interesting!

  2. I've heard of those books. Has he published anything more recently?


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